Current Offerings are open to all.
Feel free to invite a friend to join you.

Share one of your life’s adventures
with a rapt and receptive audience
of UU Friends.

Leaders:  Carol & Steve Calkins
:  Friday, June 14, 1:30-3:00pm
Where: Social Hall
Registration: At Questers Sunday Table OR contact Carol Calkins ( – Subject: Our Stories)

After attending an evening at the Seattle Grandslam Moth Storytelling event, the Calkins thought it would be fun to replicate something like that here at UUCS.  Each story will be timed for just five minutes. At four and half minutes the teller will get a reminder bell that the telling needs to end. This is an opportunity to brush up on your storytelling and hone it down to a captivating five-minute rendition.

PLAY DATE W/ RICK & JULIET:  Improv for Everyone
Leaders: Rick Larsen & Juliet Gustavson
When: Saturday, July 13, 10:30-Noon
Where: UUCS
Sign-ups: At Questers Table or email Jeff London ( – Subject: Play Date)

Playing is improvisation and essential for our wellbeing throughout life, but most of us shed what came naturally when we were young…how to play. Come play with us. We’ll laugh, imagine and create in the moment. We’ll play. If you played with Juliet last summer, this opportunity will not be a repeat for you. 


AWE:  Intro to the Game Changer
Leader: Juliet Gustavson
When: Saturday, August 17, 10:00-11:30am
Where: UUCS
Sign-ups: At Questers Table or email Juliet ( – Subject:  Awe)

What is awe, besides an emotion that only human beings have? What happens in our bodies when we are feeling it? Where can we find it? Why should we look? We’ll explore the many facets of awe and its connection to the fullness of our lives.



Ongoing Opportunities are open to all.
Feel free to invite a friend to join you. 

When:  2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:00pm – Sept. through June
Where: In Person in UUCS Social Hall & on Zoom
Open Sign-ups: Email

We all know that the positive energy generated when men get together is a force for good in this world. With this in mind, our men’s group provides a supportive forum for conversations on a wide range of topics. Please join us at any time!  For further information contact Michael Piper at

When: 1st Tuesdays, 10:30am-Noon
Where: UUCS Social Hall
Open Sign-Ups &/or Further Information: Email or call Judy Reynolds – or 623-882-6012

Would you like to spend time with a group of dynamic, interesting women?
Would you like to participate in discussions on a wide range of fascinating topics and build new friendships at the same time?
If so, we invite you to join us.

BUUK Circle
Leader: Brooke Gaunt (
When: Every second Tuesday, October – April, 6:30-8:30pm
Where: UUCS (In Person)
Open Sign-ups: Email

BUUK Circle is a group that loves to read and discuss books chosen by the group. You are welcome to join this group at any time whether you’ve finished the book or not even started. If you are unable to attend a discussion, we hope you will find time to read the book. For information, contact Brooke Gaunt (


Summer Offerings listed above